美国主机 IX Web Hosting 开始支持支付宝付款

Well we did it again folks!

IX is the first American web hosting company to introduce Alipay as a method of payment for our customers. “What is Alipay?” you ask. Alipay is the preferred method of payment for China. Think of it as their PayPal. It is well known and trusted, and gives the Chinese consumer peace of mind when it comes to online purchases. It makes buying from America much more attractive.

VIA:IX is First Again…….

    美国的 IX Web Hosting 成立于1999年,有很多的国内用户首先是它,用户评价一直不错,这次他们作为美国第一家支持支付宝付账的虚拟主机提供商,正如他们所说的,又创造了一个第一。。同时推出了中文站,但是目前不支持中文的售后。

