2010年的第一个小长假今天开始了,本来是想回去扫墓的! 正好过两天也是我妈的生日!前天晚上打电话给老妈,说昨天晚上回去,但是后面看我Google的日历提醒,发现我妈的生日记错了,该死的Google Calendar,没有农历的一年重复提醒,发现去年的对应日子是这几天,但是今年的农历不是一样的,也还有一些事情,所以临时决定不回去了,中午给老妈电话,说这次还是不回去了,等五一还是什么时候回去,老妈听到这个的时候,虽然说随我,我自己安排,但是看的出有些许的失望!这一刻我真的感觉很不舒服。。其实父母到了这个年纪了,没有什么其他的要求,只希望能天天跟家人在一起,有时间,还是好好的陪陪家人,我有点后悔了。。。
今天带来的一首歌是最近上映的 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》 续集 专辑之一的歌曲: 【Her name is Alice】,歌曲还是一贯的有点梦幻的感觉,但是我比较喜欢强烈、清晰的节奏感,和那似乎“竭斯底里”歌声。。。先听听吧。
Her Name Is Alice Lyrics
(If I had a world of my own everything will be nonsense)
(Nothing will be what it is because everything will be what it is not)
I invite you to a world where there is no such thing as time
And every creature lens themselves to change your state of mind
And the girl that chase the rabbit drank the wine and took the pill
Has locked herself in limbo to see how it truly feels
To stand outside your virtue
No one can ever hurt you
Or so they say
Her name is Alice (Alice)
She crawls into the window
Shaped in shadows
Alice (Alice)
And even though she is dreaming, she knows
Sometimes the curiosity can kill the soul but leave the pain
And every ounce of innocence is left inside her brain
And through the looking glass we see shes painfully returned
But now off with her head I fear is everyone∙s concern
You see there's no real ending
It∙s only the beginning
Come out and play
Her name is Alice (Alice)
She crawls into to the window
Shaped in shadows
Alice (Alice)
And even though she is dreaming
Shes a locked for meaning for you
This kingdom good riddance good freedom and innocence
Has brought this whole thing down
Her name is Alice (Alice)
She crawls into to the window
Shaped in shadows
Alice (Alice)
And even though she is dreaming
Shes a locked for meaning
Shes a locked for meaning for you
(In contrary was what it is it wouldn∙t be)
(And what it wouldn∙t be it would)
(You see)
我的假期也即将来临 但最近超级忙..